AANGESPOELD... in Oostende
AANGESPOELD... in Oostende

AANGESPOELD... in Oostende


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Due to successive lockdowns, many people have plans to move from the interior to the Belgian coast. Experience expert Walter Van den Branden took the step from the rural Lint in 2013 and washed up in Ostend.

'WASHED UP… in Ostend' describes the process he and his wife Gusta went through, from the decision to sell the house in the interior, through the purchase of a newly built apartment on the coast, up to and including his integration process in Ostend. To the latter, he links all the facts, experiences and assets that they have been able to experience in Ostend in recent years.

This book is indispensable for anyone who plans to mutate from the interior to the sea. Even for those who have recently taken this step, the book contains a lot of useful information, practical advice, light-hearted considerations and funny anecdotes that illustrate the appeal of living by the sea. Mayor Bart Tommelein wrote the foreword.

 Watch the report December 10, 2020 on FOCUS-WTV :  

Walter Van den Branden (1947) took his first journalistic steps at the Gazet van Antwerpen. He also passed on his knowledge in weeklies, monthly magazines and his own publications. From 2009 to 2016 he was chairman of the Flemish Journalists Association (VJV). Today he is active as editor-in-chief of the lifestyle publication 'OMAG Citymagazine'.

  In Stock - 9789464077018 - with dozens of illustrations - 200 pages